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Self-reflection and participatory approaches to praxis: the start of a new journey

One of the crucial things that I have learnt and been able to reflect on during my internship with the Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA), as well as in the IDR, is the role of participation of key stakeholders and intended beneficiaries in advocacy and policy. I have learnt that identifying genuinely inclusive approaches to…

Advocacy and multiple perspectives

I am nearing the end of my IDR journey at the Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) and it has certainly been quite a ride. I drafted a report for RCOA which advocates for changing the pathway to permanent residency for temporary protection visa holders in Australia including Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (SHEV) holders. This report…

The beginning of my journey into law and development

I began IDR1 at the start of March feeling excited, but also nervous and uncertain. I had no idea whether I would be successful in getting a placement or project. Or, if I was lucky enough to ‘make it’, I had no idea where I would be working or what I would be doing. I…

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